Semicolon; the symbol of problem solving.

Programmer will easily understand what I mean. I found that sometimes (many times, actually) they had a coding error just because of this thing. They forgot to put semicolon in the end of every command, problem solved.

Not long before I write this note down, a friend of mine text me and ask for some help. He needs an artwork for 11th anniversary of our campus, with a good tagline in it. It is informatics engineering, by the way.

Come to think of it, I use this semicolon thingy as the main part of the artwork, and problem.solved as a tagline. I’m not talking only about what I mentioned before, that programmer would solve their problem by putting this missing character, but also the college student – my college for sure – is a great problem solver by using their programming skills.

Please do humbly check my artwork out. Cheers. :)

problemSolved 2.jpg

problemSolved 1.jpg


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